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WORLD CHECK ONE API | V2 | return 404 while calling | POST | cases/{<!-- -->{case-system-id}}/screeningRequest


I am using worldcheck One Api and i am using your collection request SEQ-screen-async: Screen an existing case (asynchronous)
NOTE : i put **** in public and secret key here but in code i use real one.
Method : POST
URL : { {protocol}}{ {gateway-host}}{ {gateway-url}}cases/{ {case-system-id}}/screeningRequest

DATA: none

when i request using postman its working fine and return 201 status
but when i call this api from nodejs code it return 404

Here is the code

let caseSystemId = "5jb6a6c1cjda1hyqpz0yylxrf";

let worldCheckBaseUrl = "";

let worldCheckGatewayHost = "";

let worldCheckGatewayVersion = "/v2/";

let requestPath = `cases/${caseSystemId}/screeningRequest`;

let getCompleteUrl = worldCheckBaseUrl+worldCheckGatewayVersion+requestPath;

var date = new Date().toGMTString();

var dataToSign = "(request-target): post " + worldCheckGatewayVersion + `${requestPath}\n` +

"host: " + worldCheckGatewayHost + "\n" +

"date: " + date;


let secret = "*************";

var hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(dataToSign,secret);

var hmac = hash.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64)

var worldCheckPublickey = "**************";

var authorisation = "Signature keyId=\"" + worldCheckPublickey + "\",algorithm=\"hmac-sha256\",headers=\"(request-target) host date" + attachedHost + "\",signature=\"" + hmac + "\"";

So the data to sign request output is

(request-target): post /v2/cases/5jb6a6c1cjda1hyqpz0yylxrf/screeningRequest


date: Fri, 01 Sep 2023 10:04:38 GMT

and authorization signature output

Signature keyId="***********",algorithm="hmac-sha256",headers="(request-target) host date",signature="8k2F4Z/gluAspNarnd/sPEzTDwvlckdMYTPIqfe4iCY="

Kindly help to sort this issue


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Hi Raksina ,

Yes this has been resolved.


Hetal Mandalia

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Hi @Hetal Mandalia,

Thanks for reaching out to us & if you can share the below details which will be helpful for us to investigate further.

Can you please share your complete code sample if not here send it to my email

Moreover, is it that you are receiving 404 error responses for every case that you are trying to rescreen.


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Hi @anisetti.saikiranreddy01

Thanks for the update kindly check email i email you the sample code file please review and help us to solve this issue


Hi @Hetal Mandalia and @anisetti.saikiranreddy01 ,

Could you please let me know if this has been resolved yet?


Hi @raksina.samasiri,

We have addressed this over the email and shared the code samples for their reference.


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