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How can I get auditEventId?

I started trial for world-check-one API. And I want to get audits list of a case (like the case report PDF). As far as I know, I should call "{ {protocol}}{ {gateway-host}}{ {gateway-url}}cases/{ {case-system-id}}/auditEvents/{ {audit-event-id}}". But I have no auditEventId. How to get auditEventId? Does some api calling get me auditEventIds list of that case?

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Hi @satom,

While you are initiating the endpoint SEQ-case-audit: Retrieve the audit log for a case, please note that when audit is requested without any date range for eventDate in the query, it returns audit data for the last 168 hours by default.

In order to retrieve the full audit details for a case, in the request body you can pass case created date as eventDate in the query field which will give you full audit details of a case. Please find highlighted below.


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Hi @satom,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

In order to retrieve the full audit details of a case you can utilize the endpoint SEQ-case-audit: Retrieve the audit log for a case from our postman collection and in the response under results array you will be able to find the "id" value for every audit event logged.

Using the "id" from the above API response you utilize this endpoint [SEQ-case-audit]: Retrieves the specific audit event for a case Copy to retrieve any specific audit event for a case by passing the id value into the { {audit-event-id}} in the URL.



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Hello @sai
Thank you for your corporation.
I tried your indication. But I couldn't get all Audits. I want to get All Audits like the PDF.
First , I called '{ {protocol}}{ {gateway-host}}{ {gateway-url}}cases/{ {case-system-id}}/auditEvents' ( SEQ-case-audit: Retrieve the audit log for a case). I got "id" in results. But I got only one "id".
Secound, I called '{ {protocol}}{ {gateway-host}}{ {gateway-url}}cases/{ {case-system-id}}/auditEvents/5jb841z8ubz21hztshfr2zs7b' ([SEQ-case-audit]: Retrieves the specific audit event for a case Copy). It was success too and I got matchEvents. But that matchEvents had same matchedDate. It meens 1 column of Audits in the PDF.



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Thank you for your replay.

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Hello @anisetti.saikiranreddy01 @raksina.samasiri @Jirapongse
I'm still waiting for your reply. I would appreciate it if you could give us your reply by Oct 23.

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Hi @satom, have you tried following my recommendation which I have posted on Sep 22nd as below.

While you are initiating the endpoint SEQ-case-audit: Retrieve the audit log for a case, please note that when audit is requested without any date range for eventDate in the query, it returns audit data for the last 168 hours by default.

In order to retrieve the full audit details for a case, in the request body you can pass case created date as eventDate in the query field which will give you full audit details of a case. Please find highlighted below.


Please let me know if you have tried this.

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Hi @anisetti.saikiranreddy01
Thanks for your response.
My request/response is like that. (Id was masked)
I set eventDate very old date. So I think I will get all audit in the response. But that has one audit.What did I mistake?

    "query": "actionType==SCREENED_CASE;actionedByUserId==xxxxx;eventDate>2010-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "sort": [
            "columnName": "eventDate",
            "order": "DESCENDING"
    "totalResultCount": 1,
    "pagination": {
        "currentPage": 1,
        "itemsPerPage": 250,
        "totalItems": 1
    "results": [
            "id": "yyyyy",
            "objectId": "zzzzz",
            "eventDate": "2023-09-11T10:08:01.737Z",
            "actionedByUserId": "xxxxx",
            "actionedByUserName": "MASASHI SATO",
            "note": null,
            "entityType": "CASE",
            "actionType": "SCREENED_CASE",
            "sourceType": "DESKTOP",
            "auditEventToDate": null,
            "details": {
                "detailsType": "ScreenCaseAuditDetails",
                "userId": null,
                "statusCode": "COMPLETED",
                "screeningState": "INITIAL",
                "noOfNewResults": 10,
                "noOfReviewRequiredResults": 0,
                "noOfExcludedResults": 0,
                "noOfAutoResolvedResults": 0,
                "providerTypes": [
                "caseScreenRequestor": null,
                "startScreeningDate": null,
                "caseSystemId": "zzzzz"

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Hi @satom,Thanks for your response!

In the Query filed of your request body as you are passing the actionType==SCREENED_CASE you will be only able to see all the audit events with actionType as SCREENED_CASE in the response. (I guess there is only one audit event with actionType as SCREENED_CASE for the case which you are retrieving the audit events)

Please try to remove the actionType parameter from the query filed in your request body which returns you the full audit log of a case in the response. (please find the example request body as below)

Hope this clarifies!



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