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Emissions data and estimation method: reporting data

Dear all,

I am using Workspace add-in in Excel. I have several companies from which I would like to retrieve scope 1 and 2 emissions as a time series. I managed to do that using Datastream formula builder. Behind the emissions is an estimation method. I can retrieve this estimation method using the historical data in the formula builder on the left of the panel. When selecting this variable (TR.CO2EstimationMethod), I would like to know when it was computed:

That is, I would like to know when the company reported their values. I would perhaps suggest at the end of a fiscal year or at the end of the year. I can select a 'Date' under the output toggle but not sure which one to select.

Thank you in advance.



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Thank you for reaching to us.

The TR.CO2EstimationMethod field contains several sub-fields. You can list and access those sub-fields via the formula builder, such as TR.CO2EstimationMethod.calcdate.


However, you can contact the helpdesk team directly via MyRefinitiv to get that correct fields that can be used to retrieve the required data.

I hope that this information is of help.

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