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How can i get the news Articles and images?


I am using Python to get the News letters.

Here is my code in Python :

headlines = tr.get_news_headlines(query=test+" IN KOREAN",date_from='2023-10-26',date_to='2023-11-28')

for index, headline_row in headlines.iterrows():

story = tr.get_news_story(headline_row['storyId'])

print("story : \n" + str(story))

I was wondering if i could get the thumbnail image with this article.

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I think they are images from top news.

from refinitiv.data.content import news

top_news = news.top_news.hierarchy.Definition().get_data();
#Front Page News
front_page = news.top_news.Definition(top_news.data.df["topNewsId"][0]).get_data()


Then, get an image.

definition = news.images.Definition(front_page.data.df["imageId"][0])
response = definition.get_data()
image = response.data.image

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Hi @jwlee08 ,

I would suggest using the news service from Refinitiv Data Libraries for Python which has on opetion to render HTML. There you will perhaps see the image rendered. Please check an example here.

Best regards,


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I appreciate your help. But what i really want is the way to find the query to get the news that i was looking in the Eikon.

how can i get a query for this articles?


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