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What is DTSimpleType?


What is DTSimpleType? I ran Advanced search and one of the column that I got as an output is DTSimpleType

response = search.Definition( view = search.Views.ORGANISATIONS, query = " or ".join(Issuer_List), top = 10000, filter = "( SearchAllCategoryv2 eq 'Companies/Issuers')", select = "CommonName,Gics,RCSOriginalAccountsCurrencyLeaf,PrimaryRIC,Orgid,BondsCount,CdsCount,EquitiesCount,FundsCount,FuturesCount,LoanCount,MortgagesCount,OptionsCount,WarrantsCount,OAPermID,OwnershipExists,OrganisationStatus,MktCapCompanyUsd,RCSFilingCountryLeaf,RCSTRBC2012Leaf,UltimateParentOrganisationOrgid,UltimateParentCompanyOAPermID,RatingX1XRatingRank,BusinessEntity,PI,SearchAllCategoryv3,SearchAllCategoryv2,SearchAllCategory,DTSubjectName,UltimateParentOrganisationName,DTSimpleType,RCSOrganisationSubTypeLeaf,RCSCountryHeadquartersLeaf" ).get_data()

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

You need to contact the Helpdesk suppor team via MyRefinitiv to verify the definition of this DTSimpleType field.

I used the Navigators property to list all available values of the DTSimpleType field in the ORGANISATIONS view.

The possible values are:

"Navigators": {
    "DTSimpleType": {
      "Buckets": [
          "Label": "Private Company"     
          "Label": "Fund Entity"
          "Label": "Public Company"
          "Label": "Special Purpose Vehicle"
          "Label": "National Government"
          "Label": "Local Government"
          "Label": "Investment Company"
          "Label": "Academic Institution"
          "Label": "Organization Branch"
          "Label": "Government Agency"
          "Label": "Holding Company"
          "Label": "Investment Trust"
          "Label": "Membership/Community Organization"
          "Label": "Foundation/Charity"
          "Label": "Close ended Fund"
          "Label": "Government"
          "Label": "Local / State Government Department"
          "Label": "REIT"
          "Label": "National Government Department"
          "Label": "Organization Division"
          "Label": "Financing Company"
          "Label": "Municipal / State / Provincial"
          "Label": "State / Provincial Government"
          "Label": "Other Trust"
          "Label": "Treasury"
          "Label": "Special Purpose Acquisition Company"
          "Label": "Economic Development Agency & Investment Promotion Agency"
          "Label": "Economic Alliance"
          "Label": "Business Development Company"
          "Label": "Representative Office"
          "Label": "Treaty Organization"
          "Label": "Geo-Political Group"
          "Label": "Central Bank"
          "Label": "Supranational"
          "Label": "Pension Fund"
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