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Unable to install in python.

I am unable to install in python. I am currently using pip install I have attempted to install this in pycharm, spyder, and cmd/terminal.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please see attachederror-11.pngerror-1.png images for the error

error-1.png (113.1 KiB)
error-11.png (148.6 KiB)
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Hi @alex.nae01 ,

This issue occurs from time to time but it's out of our scope.
One way to bypass it is to install blocking dependency before retrying refinitiv-data install.

pip install numpy
pip install refinitiv-data

Note that when you want to install a new version, it's recommended to use following command line:

pip install --upgrade refinitiv-data

It'll update all dependencies at the expected version too

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Hi, thank you so much for your response, I have spoken with refinitiv helpdesk and they diverted me to this forum. I really dont know who I can ask for help on this. I have tried installing numpy and then refinitiv-data only to get the same error. error2.png

error2.png (109.6 KiB)
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I found same error here => pkgutil library only supports Python 3.11 and older !
Are you using Python 3.12 ?

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yes, yes I am, I will roll to an older version and keep you updated. thank you for your help

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Hello @alex.nae01

I suggest you try the Python Virtual environment tools like Anaconda or Miniconda Python distribution/package manager for manage your Python environments. With Conda, you can create multiple Python environments that use different Python and libraries versions.

### Example with Miniconda ###

Step 1: Create a new environment.

(base) C:/conda create --name RDLib python=3.10

Step 2: Activate the RDLib environment.

(base) C:/conda activate RDLib 
(RDLib) C:/pip install

You can find more detail about the Python environment management from this Conda: Managing environments page.

There is a step-by-step guide about how to setup the Refinitiv Data Library - Python on PyCharm IDE using Conda available on page.

I hope this information helps.

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