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Which is the best way to connect the Power BI into the Eikon API?


I'm trying to connect the Reikon API as a database into Power BI to generate some portfolio for our company and I'm following the two guides below but no success until now unfortunately.

1 - "Eikon Data API on Power BI app with py script" post


About that post, I would like to ask where I can find my "ek.set_app_key" to input into a similar code that the user Jirapongse mentioned.

2 - "How to integrate DSS/RTH data into Power BI Desktop" article


I advanced more into that guide and I did everything like the article says, even creating an HelloWorld example for testing (which worked). I followed the same steps for the DSS/RTH but the CustomerConnector doesn't appear into the Power BI as a valid data source. I'm assuming that the only change in the code that I need to do (if I really need to change something) is that "user" / "pass" part to my personal login info, right?


Additionally, in the "DSSDemoExtension.query.pq" file below appears the message "The name 'DSSDemoExtension.RTHTimeSeries' doesn't exist in the current context" and I don't know if the code should really behave like that in the Visual Studio.


Thank you in advance for all help that I can get.

#technologydss-rest-apipython apimicrosoft-power-bi
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@edu Thanks for your questions - so regarding the first point, you can find the Eikon App key in the APPKEY app in the Eikon Desktop (type APPKEY into the Eikon search bar). You can then create a new app key (if you don't already have one - check the Eikon Data API option) - see picture below:


Regarding your second point on DSS - did you install the Power Query SDK from VS marketplace? That is a precursor step I believe.

I hope this can help?

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Thank you @jason.ramchandani01, that info about the appkey was very helpful!

I did everything properlly from a basic Microsoft tutorial teaching how to create Custom Connectors in Visual Studio to link a power query SDK file into the Power BI. I made a simple HelloWorld and everything worked fine on Power BI, but unfortunately the DSS/RTH example didn't worked in Power BI after creating the DSS Custom Connector and I don't know what am I missing.

Bellow I'm sending my screen to showcase my DSSDemo project from Visual Studio.


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I got the same error in Visual Studio.

However, I can build the project properly.

The DSSDemoExtension.mez file is created properly.


It also appears in the Power BI Desktop after adding it in the [Documents]\Microsoft Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors folder, as mentioned in this article.


Then, I can get the data properly.

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