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Validation of RSSL Consumer application using a packet capture.


I am looking for more ways to test and validate my RSSL Consumer application. With many market data feeds, I am able to run a replay of the data to verify the application/parser works as well. Theoretically, were I to get permission to get a PCAP of a current RSSL consumer application we have interacting with a real UPA server, am I right to assume there would be little to nothing I could do with it to increase validation coverage? Unlike some other market data feeds, I am not able to just "feed in" the raw bytes captured, since obviously UPA is a proprietary API and so I would only be able to interact with the data through the API. Am I wrong about this? Is there anything that others have done to validate their consumer by getting a packet capture and using certain techniques?

Thank you very much.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

RSSL is a proprietary protocol so the Real-Time SDKs are required to decode the RSSL protocol.

Moreover, we don't provide the public documents or tools that show how to decode the RSSL protocol so clients can't decode it from PCAP files.

Typically, we use XML trace files to validate the retrieved messages.

We have sample tools to process the XML trace files.

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