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How do I get BuyingPower from Redi API

Using Python I can get my current positions, but I am having trouble getting account wide values. e.g. BuyingPower, ExcessEquity.
Any suggestions?

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I checked the submitted case and found that currently the API can't retrieve the values of those fields (Buying Power and Excess Equity).

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I tested it in the Position Monitor.xlsm Excel sample. The sample can't display Buying Power and Excess Equity.

I will contact the product team to verify what the problem is.

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Thank you!


There is no response back from the product team.

Therefore, I have submitted a ticket to the REDI support team on your behalf. The ticket number is 13327136. The support team will contact you regarding this issue.

Sorry for this inconvenience.

Thank you for the follow up

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