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Issue to use rd.get_data

dear developer community

i rise this topic to share with a strange behavior when using rd.get_data.

Indeed, when i use rd.get_data to retrieve Refinitiv fields, the response status and time token depend on fields type requested (TR Fields Vs non TR Fields):

- Fields requested contain only TR fields: the response is quick and OK (no error)

- Mix Fields (TR and non TR): the response take a very long time, and return only data for TR fields, and get errors below

An error occurred while requesting URL('http://localhost:9060/api/rdp/streaming/pricing/v1/').

ReadTimeout('timed out')

Cannot load the list of associated URLs from http://localhost:9060/api/rdp/streaming/pricing/v1/ for apis.streaming.pricing.endpoints.main endpoint.

- Fields requested contain only non TR Fields: the responde take a very lon time showing the error below.

i dont have these problems when using rd.eikon.get_data instead.

can you help about this matter


#productrefinitiv-data-platformpython api
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Hi @anass.yazane.1

The strange behavior is all related to the same issue you see when requesting for streaming data. The newer Python libraries are depending on the streaming services when requesting for TR. fields. It is a known issue as a result of a recent update within the API Proxy and is presently in the process of rolling back these changes. I believe I submitted a ticket on your behalf regarding this that you posted on another thread:

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