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API connection failure


The Python API does not respond anymore:




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27k 65 17 14

Hello @a.torre

I am sorry to hear that you are encountering the issue. Please enable the library log file/messages and share the logs in this post.

You can find the way to enable the library log file on section "2.2.2) Enable logging" of the Eikon Data API and Refinitiv Data Library - Troubleshooting article.

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Hello, thank you for the answer. I don't have any file "refinitiv-data.config.json" on the package installed on my machine. Do you know where I should put it and eventually which dependancies I should update?

27k 65 17 14

Hello @a.torre

You can find the refinitiv-data.confing.json file template from the GitHub repository. Please place the file in the same folder as your notebook application.

If you are using the CodeBook app, the refinitiv-data.confing.json file is already available on the <home folder>/_RefinitivDataLibrary folder as follows:


The debug log files are available on <home folder>/_RefinitivDataLibrary/logs folder. You can download the file to your local machine and share the file content when the problem occurs here.

codebook.png (24.8 KiB)
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Hi @a.torre ,

Does the issue still persist? If so, can you please enable the logging and post the log message here for further investigation.


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