What is the request/response for the following:
SEQ-case-check-caseid-availablity: Check caseId availability
What is the request/response for the following:
SEQ-case-check-caseid-availablity: Check caseId availability
Hi @raghav.khamar ,
You can use https://api-worldcheck.refinitiv.com/v2/cases/{caseSystemId}/screeningRequest
for rescreening an existing case .
for full details you can access this documentation LSEG World-Check One API.
You can see in postman collections .
Vivek Pandey
Hi @raghav.khamar ,
Thanks for reaching out to us!
You can download latest Postman collection and environment file from below link .
You can access API documentation from below link.
Hope it helps.
Vivek Pandey
Hi @raghav.khamar ,
if you are asking for fresh screening its not possible as this case system id and case id is unique for all cases.
however for rescreening case id and case system id won't change it will remain same.
Vivek Pandey