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Ema Java library and user_list.txt file

In the LPC 1.4 install guide, section 7.3, it discusses the layout of the user_list.txt file. Column 1 is the “username provided by the datafeed client application”. First, I’m assuming that “data file client application” is the application I wrote that is ultimately consuming the rate info.

Does this username correspond to anything configured on the Refinitiv side, or is this just an easy way for the application to indirectly reference the data in user_list.txt? In our user_list.txt, we have one user defined, let’s call it “X”. In my application i am doing this:


This “X” in the Java code needs to match the “X” in user_list.txt, but does it have to match anything else? If we changed the user_list.txt file to be “Y” and updated the Java code to be ”Y”, would that still work, or would something be out of sync somewhere.

If I understand the overall process, we’ll need to update the user_list.txt with the new ServiceID and secret. But for my question, the scope is just on the column 1 value, assuming everything else stays the same.

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@shawn bower

Thank you for reaching out to us.

The LPC allows legacy or existing real-time applications to consume data from Refinitiv Real-Time Optimized (RTO) on Cloud. Legacy or existing real-time applications use user names to login to the server while RTO uses client id and client secret.

The Refinitiv Real-Time Legacy Protocol Converter maps the user name to a Service ID account listed in the user_list.txt file. Therefore, the user names in the user_list.txt file must match the user names used by legacy or existing real-time applications.

As far as I know, this username doesn't correspond to anything configured on the Refinitiv side.

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Hello @shawn bower

The RTSDK Java/EMA Java API can connect to RTO directly without the need of LPC server (see ex113_MP_SessionMgmt, ex450_MP_QueryServiceDiscovery, and ex451_MP_OAuth2Callback_V2 examples). Could you please let us know why you are using the LPC with EMA?

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

This is how the application was coded, before my team inherited it. :-)

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.