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Intermittent Issue with Batch Request in EMA API not Sending all Symbols

I'm encountering an intermittent issue with batch request using the EMA API. I'm sending a batch request that includes 3 symbols. However, which monitoring the log file, I've observed that occasionally only one symbol is sent. Consequently, I only receive one refresh message corresponding to that single symbol. No errors are reported in the log file.

This behavior is inconsistent, after a while, this issue resolves itself without any apparent changes from my end.

Are there additional logging or diagnostic tools within EMA that I can use to gain more insight into this issue. I have enabled `xmlTraceToFile` and `xmlTraceToStdout` for detailed logging.

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Hi @xinjames.chen,

What version of EMA are you using? Can you please try the SDK example 370 Batch and verify that you have the same issue. Finally, you can also attach the SDK log files here, and we can check them.

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I'm using 3.7.2. I just figure out this issue is related to the setting of GuaranteedOutputBuffers. I can reproduce the issue if the value is set to 1.
1 is an extremely low number - why did you set it to 1? The default value is 100, what caused you to modify this parameter?

the primary goal is to identify the potential errors that might occur when `GuaranteedOutputBuffers` is set to a low value. Understanding there scenarios will be beneficial for our team to have an efficient diagnositc steps to follow when similar errors occur.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.