
211 6 17 30

Publisher code and config changes needed to close consumer subscription

Hello, we are using RFA 8.1 C++ API to consume Level 1 and Level 2 market data. Could you please share the code changes and configuration adjustments needed on the Publisher[Testserver/TREP demo tool] side to close active subscriptions by consumers?

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211 6 17 30

Hi @Gurpreet we have both examples interactive and non interactive. Can you please elaborate how we can reproduce above mentioned scenarios with help of interactive provider.

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I am not aware of any means to send the name change of an instrument. To do so, you will have to close the previous active subscription - and your consumer will have to somehow discover the new RIC.

To close an active subscription from the provider - you application will have to send a CLOSED status message. You might choose to include the new RIC name in the status text. There are examples of status message in the provider examples.

23.7k 61 15 21

Hi @mktdata,

Can you please clarify your question. Are you asking if the testserver - a tool provided with RTMDS infrastructure can actively close a subscription (without the unsubscribe request from consumer)?

testserver it is a pre-compiled binary and doesn't allow this functionality. You might be able to use similar publisher examples from the RTSDK - EMA or ETA and simulate the publisher functionality after code changes.

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211 6 17 30

Hi @Gurpreet we have sample RFA 8.1 C++ API which contains sample publisher example code. Could you please provide api names / code change required in publisher side to reproduce following scenarios,

1) To close active consumer subscription.

2) Name change of actively subscribed RIC.

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Hi @mktdata​,

Which example is it based on? Is it an interactive or NI provider?

The QuickStartProvider example packaged in the RFA SDK package can answer some of your questions.

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