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Available fields for each RIC (historical date/value for SSYTCS038USGBRD)

Hi everyone,

I saw at some LSEG article/documentation that was possible in the past to use the "DIB" command after the RIC name in the search bar from the codecreator resource, but now that seems to now work anymore. That said, I need to know which fields are available for each RIC from refinitiv eikon api.

For example, I need to know which fields are available for the RIC "SSYTCS038USGBRD" in order to collect the historical data (date, datetime and value at least).

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Hi @edu ,

It does seem to work for me:


If it doesn't show for you, you can just search for DIB and then add the instrument in the app:


Finally, if you are interested in building the code after selecting the RIC and the fields, you can search for CODECR app, and then add the instrument and the fields to built the code.

Hope this help.

Best regards,


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Hi @aramyan.h,

Thank you so much, the DIB feature worked perfectly when used as an application instead of a suffix in codecreator.

The only problem now is that I need to collect the historical data from this RIC, but apparently this is not working in codecreator (or I can't find the right way to do it), although it works perfectly in Excel format. Why does it happen? Is there any way to collect the historical data for that specific RIC?

The format I have used in some other RICs to collect the historical data is like this 'TR.BIDPRICE(SDate=2022-01-01, EDate=0, Frq=D).date', but none of these value formats work with that specific RIC.

I would advice raising your query via Help&Support section in Workspace or via my.refinitiv.com . The helpdesk will be better positioned to help with content related question, whereas this forum is mostly for API related technical questions.
Thank you @aramyan.h.

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