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Eikon Data API Excel Addon for Linux RHEL environment

Hi all.

I plan to use Linux RHEL as an operating system for one of my devices. The web version of Eikon works just fine.

However, I do not have MS Office Excel. Hence, I can't use the Refinitiv Excel COM API Addon in LibreOffice Calc to retrieve and update data using formulas, as I usually do. It was very convenient to do so for my personal use in Excel. Is there an Addon or something close in LibreOffice/Other Office Software for Linux?

If not, what are the possibilities of getting the data into my Linux RHEL through the various APIs? I prefer the more straightforward solutions with LibreOffice or some other software for personal use. However, VBA, Python, C++ (least preferable), and R will work just OK for me as long as I can extract data and put it on the spreadsheet. Caveat: I am not trying to build an application. I need my Eikon data updated in the Linux RHEL Office software spreadsheet.

I really appreciate any help you can provide.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

For desktop users (Eikon or Workspace) to retrieve data via the APIs, the desktop applications (Eikon or Workspace) must be running on the same machine. Then, the APIs will retreve data through desktop applications.

As far as I know, we didn't provide desktop applications on Linux platform. You may need to contact your LSEG account team or sales team directly to confirm this.

Another solution is retreiving data from the Refinitiv Data Platform (REST APIs) which is on cloud. I am not sure if LibreOffice/Other Office Software for Linux can send HTTP REST requests to the Refinitiv Data Platform. Moerover, we also provided the Refinitiv Data Libaries in Python, DotNet, and Typescript to connect and retrieve data from Refinitiv Data Platform.

I suggest you to contact your LSEG account team or sales team directly to discuss the available solutions for your requirements.

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