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Error handling on Refinitiv Data Library for Python

Hi, I'm using the module to access data from the Refinitiv Data Library for Python. I'm looking for a way to handle errors. With the previous eikon module i had something like this implemented;

    data_new, e = ek.get_data(instruments, field)
except ek.EikonError:
    handle error in code

when i try;

    data_new, e = rd.get_data(universe=instruments[a:b], fields=field)
except rd.RDError:
    handle error in code

I''m getting;

AttributeError: No attribute RDError

Could you help me mimic the same behavior for rd as i had with ek?

Also is there an overview somewhere of all available errors?

Many thanks for your help on this!

#technologypython apirefinitiv-data-libraries
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dear @Jurriaan

you should use rd.errors.RDError to catch Rd error.

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