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orgId property in rdp search API
  "View": "Organisations",
  "Select": "Orgid, BusinessEntity, CommonName,PrimaryRIC,PrimaryRICTickerSymbol,PrimaryRICExchangeCode,GicsName",
  "OrderBy": "CommonName asc",
  "Filter" : "PrimaryRICExchangeCode eq 'ASX'  and IsPublic eq true",
  "UnentitledAccess": true,
  "Top": 10


"1 invalid 'select' entry was ignored: [Orgid]"

i am using RDP search API, what is the Orgid name should be? where can i check properties in Orgnisation View??

#contentrdp searchorgid-api
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Thank you for reaching out to us.

You can use the HTTP GET method with this endpoint ( to list all properties in the Organisations view.

This view doesn't have the Orgid field.

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