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On RDP News, how can I get HAR logs?

I would like to know how to get HAR logs for RDP news in case client face any issue.

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Hello @aya.nakamura01

Did you or the client try the steps I suggest above yet? The HAR file capture from the steps above can capture the RDP API request and response messages detail.

I suggest you try and open the saved har file with any text editor, and you will see all the content.

About the News Meta API issue, is it the same issue as this old post? If so, the news API returns only 10 rows of data by default. The data that the client needs might not show in the first response. The client can check if there a "next" node data in a response, the client can request that "next" node value to get the next 10 rows of result (Paging feature).

In the API Playground page, the client can click on the "Next" link to get the nextLink URL and then click a request button again to get the next page of data.


The client can set the "limit" parameter as suggested by my colleague on that old post to specify the number of return data per one API call (min 10, maximum 100). I did a quick test with and the JP information is in the response message.


I double checked with the request HAR file, it contains the request and response with JP group


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api-6.png (51.2 KiB)
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Hello @aya.nakamura01

Not sure if this what the client wants, if the issue can be replicated on the RDP API Playground page.

Firstly, open the web browser and go to the page --> Navigate to the endpoint (example: /data/news/v1/headlines)


Then open a browser developer tool (each browser has different way to open it, I am demonstrating with Edge).


See more in a comment (cont).

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On the Developer Tool, open a "Network" Tab.


Then click on the send request button on the API Playground page, the request that being sent will be shown on the developer tools.


api-3.png (24.8 KiB)
api-4.png (32.5 KiB)


Right Click the request --> Choose "Save all as Har with Content" option.


api-5.png (46.0 KiB)
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@wasin.w Thank you so much! It is clear now.

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@wasin.w I have additional question. Using this end point, to get geography subgroup. There was an issue last week that "JP" was missing but we couldn't find the root cause. I was told next time we need to get the HAR logs. Can you advise me if above log will provide me the HAR logs based on "request"?

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.