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Subscribe to multiple instruments from multiple services with different domains using testclient

Is there a way to subscribe to multiple instruments from different Services and domains using the rtds testclient?

There is the option to use -ef in the command line and specify a file in the format of <domain>|<item>@<service>

however the test client forces the use of the -S option to specify a service name. When making a subscription it cannot sub to the any items that do not belong in the service name being used after the -S option.

RTDS demo doc also states you can use comma separated list after the -S but this does not seem to work either.

example command i am using:

./testclient -S SERVICE_1 -h <host> -p <port> -u <user> -ef subs -ct rssl -X -l stdout -micro
./testclient -S SERVICE_1,SERVICE_2 -h <host> -p <port> -u <user> -ef subs -ct rssl -X -l stdout -micro

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I checked the document and couldn't find that the -ef parameter supports the @<service_name> option.


The @<service_name> option is supported in the -f and -itemList parameter.

./testclient -h adspop -p 14002 -S ELEKTRON_DD,DIST_CACHE -itemList /IBM.N@ELEKTRON_DD,TEST@DIST_CACHE -v

You can contact the ADS support team direclty via MyAccount to confirm this.

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