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EMA C#: There is no user credential available for enabling session management

Do we still support V1 authentication (machine id, password, client id/appkey) on EMA C#?
Looks like it works for the client id and client secret, but if I change it to the V1 combination it fails with the message "There is no user credential available for enabling session management":
(The code is based on example cons113)

OmmConsumerConfig config = new();


// OK:



// Failed below:




consumer = new (config);

consumer.RegisterClient(new RequestMsg().ServiceName("ELEKTRON_DD").Name("IBM.N"), new AppClient());

Thread.Sleep(900000); // API calls OnRefreshMsg(), OnUpdateMsg() and OnStatusMsg()

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It works for V2 account, but failed for V1 account (use a difference account).

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

RTSDK C# (EMA and ETA) only supports V2 authentication.

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