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GetValidContentFieldTypes not working for TickHistoryRaw on postman

I ma able to acquire token and using that token doing GET request'TickHistoryRaw')

it retrurns 200 OK with emppty results


"@odata.context": "$metadata#ContentFieldTypes",

"value": []


it works for other template types. Could you pls advise

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Ok, I think you are a DSS customer and don't have access to TickHistory product. I would recommend that you reach out to your account manager to confirm.

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Hello @bhawana.aggarwal,

Its working for me without any issues. Please download the latest TickHistory Postman collection from the portal and try again.


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with collection also I am getting the same result. BTW I just noticed 4a in your screenshot is list of fileds for Tick whereas for me it was for time series. Not sure why thereis a difference

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It should not matter - I used the TickHistory collection, whereas you are using the DSS Postman collection. The endpoint URL for content field names is same across both.

You can also capture the raw request and response using Postman or other proxy and compare. If you have cURL installed try running this command in a console:

curl --location --request GET "'TickHistoryRaw')" --header "Prefer: respond-async" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "Authorization: Token ---YOUR DSS TOKEN---"
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same result

1721309550360.png (7.3 KiB)
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