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Shareholders report not loading

Good afternoon everyone,

For some reason shareholders report of ownership is not loading and this red error pops out. it was working fine till today. Everything else works fine but just this shareholder report is not loading. Thanks in advance.


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Hi @eikon.student02 ,

As I learned from the Product team the FTSE Constituent data were disabled on Eikon/Workspace on 6 July 2024. I also learned that FTSE Constituent data is not fully released to clients yet. The developers are currently enhancing the database, and it will be released once it is improved.

Best regards,


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Hi @eikon.student02 ,

I think the issue is caused by these fields - "TR.BenchmarkConstituentMarketValueAmount", "TR.BenchmarkConstituentOutstandingAmount". I have an open ticket with helpdesk on this. Will update here once I get back from them.

Best regards,


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Thank you

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