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Understand the RIC structure of the futures MEDM24

For this futures quote RIC: MEDM24 which is the quotePermID: 21956505209
i don't understand what the fifth digit '2' has to do with it.
as far as i understand the RIC components when it comes to futures is:

That would mean that the expiryYearCode is '24' instead of '4' that i am expecting.
is '24' a valid year code? and does it actually mean 2024?

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Hi @SNicolaou ,

The 24 in the RIC indeed means year 2024. Please note that for set of exchanges two-digit year code has been introduced earlier this year. Please see Data Notications here. If you have any follow up questions re the structure change I would advice raising a content query my

I have also updated this article to account for the change. Please have a look, that might be useful, if you need to reconstruct or find future RICs.

Hope this help.

Best regards,


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it was that article that I initially looked at to try and understand it. That's why I posted the question.
I wasn't aware of the 'two digit' code change.
thanks for the prompt response

I learned about the change recently myself, and updated the code in the article just a couple of days ago.

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