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The reasons why ReadTimeouts Occur Ocassionally when pulling data in Python

Hi everyone,

I have a question regarding ReadTimeout errors that occur when pulling data with the Refinitiv Data Platform in Python. Sometimes, I face a read timeout, and then the next time I run my code, the data comes relatively quickly. I would like to know why exactly this happens in the first place, is it because of the fact that there are other calls for different data points, and there are a lot at the moment, which is why there are timeouts? Or is it that the RDP server has been overloaded with requests? Appreciate any help if anyone knows.


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Hi @vishal.nanwani,

Read timeout could happen because of network or server issues. Which endpoint are you trying to read and what is the request, and how often does it timeout.

If it is happening too often and you have ensured that your network and firewall are not responsible for it - you can raise a ticket with LSEG MyAccount to investigate.

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