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Dears, i'am using DACS TREP server to get currency prices using batch request for 17 currency but TREP server return only 13 currency instead of 17 currency even sometimes only 9 currency retrieved

attached Log Cons_12660_20240826081424.txt

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Hello @mohamed.abdelhalim6,

There is some bug in the application code. When a request message is sent to RTMDS, the application will receive a response for that request - either a refresh message, if successful or a status message indicating that the request failed.

I do not see any status message for missing instruments in your log file. I would recommend that you try the batch view example shipped with the RFA package to see the expected behavior.

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Hello @Gurpreet,

I would to inform you that we sent 17 RIC to Reutter as batch ,and we dispatched some of these RICS and sometimes dispatch all RICS and for info it was working fine till modification in our company Network Access any recommendation regarding troubleshoot the issue or any configuration handle this issue .

code lines of Dispatch

*- During dispatching the RICS from TREP , he terminate due to break before receiving the full RICS as requested

while ((!CtrlBreakHandler.IsTerminated()) && (currentTime < endTime || endTime == startTime))
                if (eventQueue != null)
                    int dispatchReturn = eventQueue.Dispatch(1000);
                    if ((dispatchReturn == Dispatchable.DispatchReturnEnum.NothingDispatchedInActive) ||
                        (dispatchReturn == Dispatchable.DispatchReturnEnum.NothingDispatchedNoActiveEventStreams))
                currentTime = System.DateTime.Now;

Gurpreet avatar image Gurpreet mohamed.abdelhalim6
Sorry, I am unable to makeout anything from this code snippet. Could it be that your app stops dispatch before all the requests/responses have been processed.

yes the issue is we need to know why TREP server close the stream from their side while dispatching the data even we not received the full response .

as per below code from RFA code streaming close when of the below occurred

  1. Dispatchable.DispatchReturnEnum.NothingDispatchedInActive
  2. Dispatchable.DispatchReturnEnum.NothingDispatchedNoActiveEventStreams

  1. if ((dispatchReturn == Dispatchable.DispatchReturnEnum.NothingDispatchedInActive) ||
  2. (dispatchReturn == Dispatchable.DispatchReturnEnum.NothingDispatchedNoActiveEventStreams))
  3. {
  4. break;
  5. }

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Hi @mohamed.abdelhalim6,

The OMM logs can be enabled through the configuration. See the RFAJ Config Logging Guide shipped with the SDK for the logger entries. You can enable file logger and dump the raw messages to a log file.

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