Hi Team
Is there a way to get updateRate value per User and not per mount via RestAPI ?
Currently it is possible to get updateRate from RestAPI using URL like this:
http://ADS_IPADDRESS:RESTAPI_PORT/sharedmem/classes/SinkDistMsgs/instances/all/variables/updateRate Result is like this : {"Instance":"XXXXXX.1.ads.userDatabase.mount27.outgoingMessages","Class":"SinkDistMsgs","Variables":[{"Name":"updateRate","Type":"Numeric","Value":575}]},
All user mounts: http://ADS_IPADDRESS:RESTAPI_PORT/sharedmem/classes/ConsumerAttributes.SinkDist/instances/all/variables/loginName {"Instance":"XXXXX.1.ads.userDatabase.mount27.attributes","Class":"ConsumerAttributes.SinkDist","Variables":[{"Name":"loginName","Type":"String","Value":"RSSL_mountTEST"}]}, {"Instance":"XXXXX.1.ads.userDatabase.mount28.attributes","Class":"ConsumerAttributes.SinkDist","Variables":[{"Name":"loginName","Type":"String","Value":"RSSL_mountTEST"}]},
In Instance value there is no username and only mount number (mount27) so there is no easy way to corelate it with user username, and even if it is (using different URL to get all mounts of a user), the mount number are reset after ADS restart. It is not a good idea to keep updateRate in database corelated to mount number for graph purposes, because after ADS restart a different user can mount with the same mount number as previous user.
Is there any way to get aggregated updateRate per user in RestAPI and not per mount/ipcSession ?