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Different execution result between codebook and python API

Good morning,

I'm using the api to query some bond data.

In the codebook I'm running
        filter = f"RIC eq '458140BP4=RRPS'",
        select = "MaturityDate"

this runs without issues and gives me the maturity date.

However when i copy paste the same thing in my code editor, i get

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-2b09bc2fc4a2> in <module>
----> 1
      2         filter = f"RIC eq '458140BP4=RRPS'",
      3         select="MaturityDate"
      4     )                                                                                                   ValueError: Could not convert object to NumPy datetime

I've been using the API in my code editor for quite some time now, so I know my setup is correct, but i cant understand why the results are different here.

Does anyone have any idea?

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The versions of the Python dependency libraries, such as Pandas and Numpy, may be different.

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Hello @adam.leroux

I did a quick test on my environment. It works fine with Data Library 1.6.2, NumPy 1.26.4 and Pandas 2.2.2.


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