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Java Code Examples not working |


I just download "Java Code Examples" and I try to run it on my eclipse with

jdk8 and my user/login datascope.

But when I try to run this program I have this error :

On internet explorer I can access to it, but when I ping in windows prompt I have host unknow.

How can I do?

Do I have to ask changes for proxy/dns at my work place?

Please help.

David LY.

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From the description, it looks like your machine is behind a proxy/firewall.

You will have to modify the DSS sample to allow for the proxy server -- something like:

HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost(proxy_ip_address, proxy_port);
httpclient.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, proxy);

See Apache HTTP client for more information.

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It means your Java application cannot resolve "" into an IP address. It doesn't mean the address cannot be accessed, it means it cannot be resolved. Can you do a successful resolve from Windows command prompt:



On my machine it returns the IP :

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Thanks Lars-at-Addicticks and Gurpreet.

no IP for the commande, and I'm not administrator of my computer.

I contacted my workplace to resolve it.


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