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How to pull whole list of active bonds for an issuer in python

In python, I need to download the full list of bonds that are currently active on the italian BTP curve. For each bond, I would like this information:



-Dirty Price


-Last coupon date

-Next coupon date

-Issue date



-yield to maturity

For something else, I'm currently using the following code setup, from one of the examples online, which works:

import requests
import json
import rdpToken
RDP_version = "/v1"
base_URL = ""
category_URL = "/data/historical-pricing"
endpoint_URL = "/views/interday-summaries"
universe_parameter_URL = "/"

def rt_downloader(RIC, RESOURCE_ENDPOINT, accessToken, start_date, end_date, fields):

requestData = {
"interval": "P1D",
"start": "2023-10-01",
"end": "2024-03-01",
"adjustments": "exchangeCorrection,manualCorrection,CCH,CRE,RPO,RTS",
"maxpoints": 20,
"fields": "B_YLD_1"

dResp = requests.get(RESOURCE_ENDPOINT, headers={"Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken}, params=requestData)

How can the above be done please for the whole list of bonds for that issuer?

Thank you

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