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How to get the chain constituents using Eikon Scripting API in python?

How to get the chain constituents using Eikon Scripting API in python?

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Hi @brianleung

You can get the members with:


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This works for stock index chains, but not for other chains such as futures, options, FX, e.g. "0#ED:", "0#TRI*.U", "FX=" etc.
One can of course write a script getting the value of LONGLINK1 - LONGLINK14 fields and traversing chain links in LONGNEXTLR until the value is empty.
But given that chains are quite popular, it would be nice to have get_chain function added to the library.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.