I am trying to obtain a list of exchange codes that the security is traded on using the 9th tutorial example in the .NET SDK set of tutorials - On Demand Composite Extraction. I have replaced the requested fieldnames with :
string[] requestedFieldNames = { "Instrument ID", "Exchange Code", "Exchange Country Code", "Exchange Country Code Description", "Exchange Description", "Exchange Listed Flag", "Security Description", "Security Description Detail", "Security Long Description", "Security Long Name", "Exchange Code List"};
and the Instruments with :
instrumentIdentifiers[0] = new InstrumentIdentifier { IdentifierType = IdentifierType.Cusip, Identifier = "922908769" //Security we are using }; instrumentIdentifiers[1] = new InstrumentIdentifier { IdentifierType = IdentifierType.Cusip, Identifier = "594918104" //Microsoft };
The output of the extraction request returns proper values for Microsoft, while the security we use does not return anything except LIP as exchange code.
Running the same composite extraction on the web GUI returns a proper result with the correct exchange code and a list of exchanges its traded on, which leads me to believe it is a problem with the on demand extraction.
Is there a reason some securities do not work with the API?