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how to know if elektron is disconnected from exchange

RFA have api to subscribe connection events between application and elektron server. I wondering is there an interface to subscribe events when elektron server is disconnected from exchange so it can't provide market data to application (even my application is connected with elektron).

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The status messages from API will indicate any upstream service disruptions. You will typically get a STALE message - something similar to this:

Msg Type: MsgType.STATUS_RESP
State: OPEN, SUSPECT, NO_RESOURCES, "Channel disconnected"

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Hello @xuquan,

When an RFA subscriber application registers interest in an item, and consequently service, such as electron, goes down, this event should be reflected in the status.

I.e. by processing status events, the app will be informed of Closed, Closed Recover on stream and Suspect, Stale on data.

Please see section 7.4.2 of RFA Developer Guide for a detailed explanation of status and state.

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