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How to get FUND NAV using time series ?

Hallo everyone

i am trying to reterive fund nav prices using timeseries . its showing me error or NAN values . please help me out .

for example

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The only symbology that can be used with get_timeseries method is Thomson Reuters RIC. For this fund you can use RIC LP60077908, e.g.
To get the RIC given an ISIN you can use
Alternatively you can retrieve fund NAV history using an ISIN and get_data method:
ek.get_data('AT0000675665',['TR.NETASSETVAL.Date','TR.NETASSETVAL'],{'SDate':'2017/11/15', 'EDate':'2017/11/01'})

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@alex putkov thanks alot for the answer .. but somehow i am able to retrieve only 1000 funds nav and then it BAD REQUEST ERROR. please help

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Can you elaborate? Which method are you using (get_data or get_timeseries). Do you submit a single request for more than 1K funds? Or do you send 1K+ requests (one for each fund) in a loop? At what point do you receive Bad Request error? And example of the request that returns Bad Request would be most helpful.

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... surprisingly, if you try to get the NAV of an xetra listed ETF (e.g. SPDR Msci World) you get two different NAV timeseries:
- ek.get_data('IE00BFY0GT14',['TR.NAVPSActValue.Date','TR.NETASSETVAL'],{'SDate':'2023/07/01', 'EDate':'2023/07/07'})

--> this results in an euro denominated NAV

- ek.get_data('LP68537195',['TR.NAVPSActValue.Date','TR.NETASSETVAL'],{'SDate':'2023/07/01', 'EDate':'2023/07/07'})

--> here you get the issures published NAV in the funds base currency

Is there a possibility to ..

  1. retrieve the field "Currency" of the NAV Timeseries?
  2. retrieve always the base currencys NAV without Lipper?

BR, Frank


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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.