For a stock I want to get the median values of it's daily shares traded ( unscaled volume) over each of the months for the past one year.
1. I am aware of the field "TR.Volume" to extract Volume data for a given query date but this gives me Volume w.r.t Lot size, I want unscaled volume to get daily total number of shares traded.
2. For a similar exercise to get Quarterly Total Turnover Data ( Total Turnover over a quarter) for past 24 months I use the fields ['TR.TURNOVER.periodenddate', 'TR.TURNOVER(CALCMETHOD=SUM).value'], with parameters {'SDate':query_StartDate,'EDate':query_EndDate, 'Frq':'FQ', 'tz':'HKG'} where query_StartDate and query_EndDate are user inputs.
3. I have tried using field 'TR.Volume(CALCMETHOD=MEDIAN).value' but it is an unrecognized field