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Eikon API .NET 64 vs 32 bit


I am using the ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess.Signed.x64 nuget package in my .NET app. My app is targeted to build as a 64bit version.

When I try to subscribe to data I keep getting a "The operation has timed out" error message.

When I change and run my application as a 32 bit version is works fine with the 64bit nuget package ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess.Signed.x64.

Why does it not work when I run it as 64bit?

I assume this is communication over COM so do I need to use the ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess.Signed nuget version and target my application as 32bit instead?

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Sorry, been away for a while. I have not fully resolved the issue as I have not had the time to go back to this. From my understanding there appear to be 2 issues:

1. The dependencies are incorrectly set in the nuget package. This is evident each time I build my solution. The following 2 dlls are not copied to the build output location: Common.Logging.dll and protobuf-net.dll. All other dlls are copied fine. I have noticed other users reporting similar issues in this space. For me its these 2 dlls only.

2. The use of this API in a Windows Service appears not to be possible for some reason. I have had Evgenij Kovalev from Refinitiv helping me with this and unfortunately we were unable to get it working. The issue in point 1 was discovered recently so I will need to go back to the Windows Service solution and check if the missing dlls caused the problem there too.

Hope this helps.



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65 3 3 9

Hi, I would be interested in this as well. Or how else could I use the API in a 64 bit environment?

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

Simply install 64-bit SDK from NuGet per instructions in this tutorial.

65 3 3 9

ok, and that should work in a 64 bit application? Since I remember above problem, too. that when I used a 64 bit application with the 64bit sdk, that i get above errors.

Are you suggesting this has been fixed?

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I'm afraid I have no knowledge of the problem reported on this thread by @emir.subasic. We never got a chance to investigate it because we could never get any details from the reporter. On my end I haven't had any problems using 64-bit Eikon .NET SDK, and I know numerous users who used it successfully. If you have a way of reproducing the problem, I'd be very keen to look into it.

65 3 3 9

Dear all, could you provide the latest links to the 64 Bit API?
above link does not install anymore, since it answers with below error message.

Any ideas?

PM> Install-Package ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess.Signed.x64 -Version 1.9.1

Attempting to gather dependency information for package 'ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess.Signed.x64.1.9.1' with respect to project 'DataApiUsageExampleTimeseriesData', targeting '.NETFramework,Version=v4.5'

Gathering dependency information took 356.82 ms

Attempting to resolve dependencies for package 'ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess.Signed.x64.1.9.1' with DependencyBehavior 'Lowest'

Install-Package : Unable to find a version of 'ThomsonReuters.Udap.Ipc.Signed.x64' that is compatible with 'ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess.Signed.x64 1.9.1

constraint: ThomsonReuters.Udap.Ipc.Signed.x64 (>= 2.10.10)'.

At line:1 char:16

+ Install-Package <<<< ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess.Signed.x64 -Version 1.9.1

+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], Exception

+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PackageManagement.PowerShellCmdlets.InstallPackageCommand

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.


The accepted question will not be monitored by the moderators.

Please try:

 Install-Package ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess.Signed.x64 -Version 1.8.4

If it doesn't solve the problem, please post a new question.

65 3 3 9

thanks. I got it working mainly with this:
Install-Package ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess.Signed.x64 -Version 1.8.4

and this article:

and installing:
both version 10 and 12 of Microsoft C runtime libraries - freshly downloaded and then also copy these files into the directory of the application:
msvcp100.dll, msvcr100.dll

Plus I changed the example to download timeseries to 64 bit first - and then copy all the files from the bin directory to the directory of my project bin.

Glad that it works now.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.