Hello Team,
Can you please inform us what are the secondary fields and custom fields we can pass to 'cases/screeningRequest' and 'reference/profile/' API? What is format(syntax) we can pass these fields?
Hi @pmahamunee,
You can get the details of the custom fields and the secondary fields from the API call - 'SEQ-pre-group-case-template: Get the case template for a group'.
Please note, that the custom fields needs to be created using the World-Check One UI. Once you have created the custom fields via the UI, the same will reflect in the above mentioned API call and used.
For a custom field you will have to define your own typeID and its curresponding value. For secondary fields values, World-Check One provides in your case template (Above mentioned API call).
If you wish to not include custom fields in your request payload you can just delete them from your request payload and pass the request.
World-Check One provides the functionality of passing custom fields as part of your request payload to track additional details at your end and are solely to be used from your end. The fields that you set form custom fields will not contribute in screening against World-Check One data.
Custom Fields : If you are using the custom field, the request payload would be in the below format -
"customFields": [ { "typeId": "0a3687d0-6334-14a5-98e4-2dd200000f22", "value": "Test_custom_field" }]
If you are not using any custom field, the value for custom field would be in below format -
"customFields": []
Secondary Fields :The secondary field information is passed in the below format :
"secondaryFields":[{ "typeId": "SFCT_1", "value": "MALE", }, { "typeId": "SFCT_2", "dateTimeValue": "1962-09-07" }, { "typeId": "SFCT_3", "value": "IND", }]
If you are not using any secondary field value in the secondary field, you may pass it blank, like below -
Please note: the the value of the secondary fields are below -SFCT_1 – GENDERSFCT_2 – DOBSFCT_3 – COUNTRY LOCATIONSFCT_4 – PLACE OF BIRTHSFCT_5 – NATIONALITYSFCT_6 – REG. COUNTRY (ORGANISATION)SFCT_7 – IMO # (VESSEL)
Hope this helps.