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Can you upload the sample node js code?

It needs to generate the token and pass it to extract the data.

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Hi @sharma.prabhu97. I have created a node js sample to show minimal example of requesting an authentication token and perform a DSS operation (ric search). You can use it as a starting template.

The example uses ECMAScript promises so you will need latest version of NodeJS to run it. Hope it helps. (1.2 KiB)
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@sharma.prabhu97, I'm sorry, we currently do not have any samples in node js.

What we have is Java, C# and Python samples, as well as a Postman collection, under the downloads tab. There is also an article describing an integration using Power BI.

The Postman collection and the associated REST API Tutorials series would be a good starting point for you, as they illustrates the raw HTTP requests and responses. The first tutorial illustrates retrieving a token, and then using it to submit a request.

Hope this helps

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