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RSSL channel encoder/decoder versions

In the C ETA code bothe RsslReactorChannel and RsslChannel structures have majorVersion and minorVersion properties and a RsslReactorChannel includes an RsslChannel. Is the version information always the same ?

i.e. if channel is a pointer to RsslReactorChannel, then is

channel->pRsslChannel->minorVersion == channel->minorVersion

channel->pRsslChannel->majorVersion == channel->majorVersion

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ETA is open source. I have verified the source code of the ETA Reactor and found that when the connection is up, it copies the majorVersion and minorVersion of the RsslChannel to the RsslReactorChannel. Please see the code here.

Therefore, when the connection is up, the version information of the RsslChannel is similar to the version information of the RsslReactorChannel.

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