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I was wondering how I can stop making the Bid, ASK and Last field automatically populate from the REDI API in my order entry tool in excel, it might be coded into the VBA somewhere in the sheet, i am not sure how to fix it

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Hello @mjc,


Menu -> Developer -> View Code

to edit code.

From the code, you task will depend on the extent of what you are looking to achieve.

If you are just looking to prevent DDE price updating, making your sheet lighter:

Then from Workbook_Open method, comment out "AddDDE" call. The updates will not be triggered.


If you are looking to remove ASK BID LAST columns from the sheet completely:

Then after you remove the columns, the remaining columns will shift, and you will need to update every reference within sheet code to the new valid coordinates, shifting by the removed columns, in your case it may be by 3, for example every "D" will become "A" while every "L" will become "I".

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Hello, thank you that works, however once i click the clear status button to do new orders the DDE links reappear, maybe i need to do something in the Clear Status Sub to make it not repopulate the links?

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