Please find the python script to request the API call "SEQ-screen-sync-simple: Perform Synchronous Screening: Simple" in the attached.
Kindly note that this is just a sample python code designed to describe the users on how to write their own code. This should not be used in the client's production application.
hi im new to wc1 api, im trying to modify the python code you posted to get group info, very basic, however, the signature generated from the code is different from postman, why would that be the case? below is the code im using
datatosign= "(request-target): get " + gatewayurl + "groups\n" + \
"host: " + gatewayhost + "\n" + \
"date: " + date + "\n"
#"date: " + date + "\n" +\
#"content-type: " + content_type +"\n" +\
#"content-length: " + str_length +"\n"+\
print (datatosign)
def hbase(byte_datatosign,api_token):
encrypt=hmac.new(api_token, byte_datatosign, digestmod= hashlib.sha256)
return base.decode()
found the issue, remove the extra "\n" in "date: " + date + "\n" worked for me