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Query about EPSMean and associated parameters


The output of my below code is a little confusing. I have the following questions:

- Is the PeriodEndDate the end of the Fiscal Year?

- If so, in the output image below, at index 225, both the CalcDate and Date values for FY1 are after the PeriodEndDate. Is that possible?


instruments = ['AAPL.O']
fields = [
parameters = {'SDate':'20000101', 'EDate':'20190901', 'FRQ':'M'}
df1, err = ek.get_data(instruments, fields, parameters)

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Hi @jakub.straka

I use Eikon Excel to confirm the datapoint and it seems that API retrieve the same data point as from Eikon Excel.

From API perspective, it retrieves the data correctly and successfully.

So now the question is why the date is as shown on the screenshot.

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