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Access to delayed RICs


We have a list of RICs .

A few representative examples are shown below:

e.g. RIC=YBAZ9 / PDP code=SFE


e.g. RIC=FEIZ9 / PDP code=LIE

e.g. RIC=EDZ1 / PDP code= CME

We wish to pull these RICs via a JAVA RFA API from TREP.

We only require access to the delayed data for now, whilst we arrange licensing costs to get the data realtime.

To get the delayed data (that I believe is free via the API) can you tell me the format for the RICS to be subscribed?

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Thank you.

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Hi @mukund.patel, The correct RIC's are: YBAZ9=, CIDKK3MD=, FEIZ9= and EDZ1=. For most of the instruments a delayed data can be requested by adding a / suffice to the RIC code. So delayed RIC will be: /YBAZ9=, /CIDKK3MD=, /FEIZ9= and /EDZ1=.

Please note that delayed data may not be available for every instrument. Please direct content questions to Refinitv Helpdesk at, and select Get Support.

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