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Quarterly cash flow - need non-cumulative data

When I request quarterly P&L and CF data using this code:

With MyDex2RData
    .InstrumentIDList = "MSFT.O"
    .FieldList = "TR.Revenue;TR.DepreciationDepletion;TR.CapitalExpenditures"
    .RequestParam = "Sdate:20180630 Edate:20190630 Period:FQ1 Frq:FQ scale:6"
    .DisplayParam = "RH:date CH:Fd Transpose:Y"
    .Subscribe False
End With

than the P&L data returns single quarter values but the cash flow data returns cumulative data (see example below):

How can I receive the cash flow data as non-cumulative in the request?

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Thank you for your explanation. Luckily, I was able to figure out how to do it. Here is the code and the result:

With MyDex2RData
    .InstrumentIDList = "MSFT.O"
    .FieldList = "TR.Revenue;TR.DepreciationAndDepletion;TR.CapitalExpendituresCFStmt"
    .RequestParam = "Sdate:20180630 Edate:20190630 Period:FQ1 Frq:FQ scale:6"
    .DisplayParam = "RH:date CH:Fd Transpose:Y"
End With

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We are gradually transitioning from Reuters fundamentals to Refinitiv fundamentals. Under Reuters fundamentals only cumulative figures are available for most cashflow data items. Non cumulative figures are available under Refinitiv fundamentals, but unfortunately Refinitiv fundamentals field names are not yet exposed through Formula Builder wizard in Excel or through Data Item Browser app in Eikon. You can however see Refinitiv fundamentals field names in Refinitiv Financials views in Eikon application. Type in company name or symbol in Eikon command/search bar and hit Enter to display the company view. Then from the tabstrip at the top of the view select Fundamentals - Refinitiv Co. Fundamentals - Cash Flow. Alternatively in Eikon command/search bar type in the company symbol followed by white space and "CFSTMT", e.g. "MSFT.O CFSTMT" and hit Enter to go straight to Refinitiv Fundamentals Cash Flow view. Then find the line item you're interested in, hover the mouse pointer over the name of the line item and click on the question mark icon that appears against the line item name. This will pop-up a window that provides detailed explanation of the data item and the field name you can use to retrieve it. See the screenshot.

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Thanks again for the explanation. This coding problem took me a minute, and your post helped me to break through. I am quite new to this, but I am trying to learn it because my company needs me to. We want to offer more finance-related services to attract more customers.
And one of the directions the management of the company wants us to cover is DCF finance. We’ve never done that before and need to take some time to learn. Thankfully, some online resources and forums are ready to help with that. Learning and re-learning are the future, so I don’t complain.

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