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Eikon Data API Earnings Release Date-Time

I am tring to retrieve Earnings Release Date-Times for TWTR.K back to Feb 2014 which I can see in the EV App in Eikon. However, when I pull via Python get_data() I only seem to pull back to 2015... why is this? It shouldn't be pulling a data limit since only 20+ datapoints....

ek.get_data(['TWTR.K'], [ 'TR.EventStartTime(SDate=2014-01-01,EDate=1D,EventType=RES)','TR.EventStartDate(SDate=2014-01-01,EDate=1D,EventType=RES)'])

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to tclose the thread on this I investiaged further and this is what I found from content teams:

The Eikon Excel cannot get the same data as ‘Advanced Events Search’(ADVEV) because ADVEV doesn’t get data from ADC while Eikon Excel does.
In Eikon Excel with formula TR.Eventxxx, we found the source come from StreetEvent which limit number of records for each request to protect their database.
The limitation is set to 5 years range. So, if you want to retrieve data back to 2014, you need to adjust the date range (Sdate/Edate) under 5 years limitation.

For example, if you input Sdate= 20140101 and Edate=20190101 which is under 5 years, you will get data back to 2014.

=TR("TWTR.K","TR.EventStartTime;TR.EventStartDate","SDate=2014-01-01 EventType=RES EDate=2019-01-01 CH=Fd RH=IN")

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Hi @James.Perkins

I tried the similar formula on Eikon Excel and the data only available back to 28/04/2015

ahs.jpg (169.9 KiB)
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thanks Chavalit.. I guess that partially explains it... if not extractable via Eikon Excel, then not via Python; fine; doesn's explain to me why not showing previous to 2015 though since I can see the data in Eikon. Will raise with Excel team

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