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Corresponding RIC for ENBRIDGE INC PREF SERIES 11 (TSE:ENB.PF.C) stock ?


What would be the corresponding RIC for ENBRIDGE INC PREF SERIES 11 (TSE:ENB.PF.C) stock ?

I have tried /ENB_pc.CCP without success. I am using Java RFA API.

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The RIC to use is <ENB_pfc.TO> for the Toronto listing. The composite RIC is <ENB_pfc.CCP>. The delayed '/' records work as well.

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Thanks for the answer TomRaptis, however I get "unknown symbol" for this RIC. Who should I contact to investigate ?



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What API or product are you using?

We can use RFA to retrieve the data of ENB_pfc.TO and ENB_pfc.CCP properly.

Normally, if RFA subscribes to an invalid RIC, it will return "The record could not be found" instead of "unknown symbol". For example, if RFA subscribes to ENB_pc.CCP which is an invalid RIC, it will return:

State: Closed/Suspect/Not found - text: "The record could not be found"
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Hi, sorry for the late response.

The errorI am getting is

Access Denied: User req to IDN for Composite - TRDHCX1

Who should I contact about this error ?



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This looks like to be an error from DACS (Data Access Control System). If you own DACS, you should contact DACS administrator to assign TRDHCX1 subservice to the user. Otherwise, you should contact Thomson Reuters Account team to assign the permission.

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