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TRKD ( JSON Sample Request - Get Quotes) - Access Denied Error

I got "ACCESS_DENIED" as the response StatusMsg in the JSON response when trying the sample JSON call in the documentation, access token was set in header



"RetrieveItem_Request_3": {

"TrimResponse": false,

"ItemRequest": [


"Fields": "",



"Name": "MSFT.O",

"NameType": "RIC"


"Scope": "All"







"RetrieveItem_Response_3": {

"ItemResponse": [


"Item": [


"RequestKey": {

"Name": "MSFT.O",

"Service": "IDN",

"NameType": "RIC"


"QoS": {

"TimelinessInfo": {

"Timeliness": "UNSPECIFIED",

"TimeInfo": 0


"RateInfo": {


"TimeInfo": 3000



"Status": {

"StatusMsg": "ACCESS_DENIED",

"StatusCode": 18


"Fields": null







Any idea what might have caused this error?

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1 Answer

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23.7k 61 15 21

Hi @ovx-wxu, Your id probably does not have permission to invoke that endpoint. This call works fine for me:

  "RetrieveItem_Request_3": {
    "TrimResponse": False,
    "ItemRequest": [
        "Fields": "",
          "Name": "MSFT.O",
          "NameType": "RIC"
        "Scope": "All"


  'RetrieveItem_Response_3': {
    'ItemResponse': [{
        'Item': [{
            'RequestKey': {
              'Name': 'MSFT.O',
              'Service': 'IDN',
              'NameType': 'RIC'
            'QoS': {
              'TimelinessInfo': {
                'Timeliness': 'DELAYED',
                'TimeInfo': 900
              'RateInfo': {
                'Rate': 'TIME_CONFLATED',
                'TimeInfo': 3000
            'Status': {
              'StatusMsg': 'OK',
              'StatusCode': 0
            'Fields': {
              'Field': [{
                  'DataType': 'Utf8String',
                  'Name': 'DSPLY_NAME',
                  'Utf8String': 'MICROSOFT C'
                }, {
                  'DataType': 'Double',
                  'Name': 'TRDPRC_1',
                  'Double': 207.165
                }, {
                  'DataType': 'Double',
                  'Name': 'TRDPRC_2',
                  'Double': 207.172
                }, {....

Please contact your Refinitiv account manager regarding the entitlements.

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