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OMM Post message A29 post message did not contain permission data


I am trying to contribute to a RIC that has the PERM_CODE FID. I am creating a Post message with 2 Fields encoded, 1 fr the permission FID with the code and 2nd for the price FID i want to update. However I keep getting this error

Message ID 4.0 received NACK : A29: Post message did not contain permission data.

I am sure my postMsg with multiple FID update works because I tried it on another RIC which does not require the permission code.

Any pointers here will be very helpful!


OMMEncoder encoder = publisherPool.acquireEncoder();
    OMMMsg ricPubMsg = publisherPool.acquireMsg();
    ricPubMsg.setPriority((byte) 1, 1);

    // A single-part post message that needs init, complete and ack indications.
    int indicationFlags = OMMMsg.Indication.POST_COMPLETE | OMMMsg.Indication.POST_INIT | OMMMsg.Indication.NEED_ACK;
    ricPubMsg.setAttribInfo(key.serviceName, key.ric, RDMInstrument.NameType.RIC);
    encoder.initialize(OMMTypes.MSG, 1000); 
    encoder.encodeMsgInit(ricPubMsg, OMMTypes.NO_DATA, OMMTypes.FIELD_LIST);
    encoder.encodeFieldListInit(OMMFieldList.HAS_STANDARD_DATA | OMMFieldList.HAS_INFO, (short) 1, (short) 0, (short) 2);
    int count = 0;
    for(RField fid : key.fids) {
        FidDef fidDef = dictionary.getFidDef(;
        short fidType = fidDef.getOMMType();
        encoder.encodeFieldEntryInit(fidDef.getFieldId(), fidType);
        String rep;
        Object value = values.get(count);
        if(value == null){
            rep = "";
            Class<?> valueClass = value.getClass();
            if (fidType == OMMTypes.UINT) {
            } else {
                if(Float.class.equals(valueClass) || Double.class.equals(valueClass)){
                    rep = DECIMAL_FORMAT.format(value);
                    rep = value.toString();

                encoder.encodeString(rep, fidType);
    OMMMsg pubMsg = (OMMMsg) encoder.getEncodedObject();

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I found the description of this error message in the ADS installation guide.

You can also refer to the following questions:

You may directly contact the ADS support team via MyRefinitiv for more information.

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