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REST and TREP ADS/ADH: how to get the itemdb/cache?

I'm trying to use the REST API on my ADH/ADS 3.4.

By example, the below URL is working fine and give me all my config:


But I can't get the cache. By example, the below URL is not working:

http://myserver:1234/idemdb/cache?securityKey=myPassword (Error 404)

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Hello @nicolas.roux,

I am really not an expert on this.



This should work, as worked for me right away.

It seems that to call


You have to have something already in cache, so first request an item, and then try calling this again.

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Thanks a lot Zoya.

The itemdb/state is working fine.

And regarding the cache, it's also working when cacheLocation=ssl. Which make sense!

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.